Newest Dreadlock Cuff. I posted it to Flickr as well as Etsy. I love making these cuffs. I find such peace of mind and an inner stillness. It's what so many people teach about in Buddhism and some people find it with yoga or building houses or running. I know I love doing beadwork because that's one of the places I find the inner stillness.

Look at the way the sun shines through those green beads! Wow! That just makes me so very happy, just to see that glow. And it makes me want some green apple candy. How about you?
The olive and cream go together so marvelously. I think all the colors complement not only each other but the film (and book) from which the inspiration to make this came. I remember when I was little watching that little girl find that secret door. The mystery of it fascinated me. I tried to make this little cuff like a mysterious treasure, a pretty little hair jewel. Hope I did a good job!
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